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What We Learn Too Late




the language between lung and leaf

Gutenberg’s solution to time travel

the malefactions of mirrors

how the universe converged to conceive you, then scrammed

why crumbs are not celebrated

why you can love someone and also not need to see them again


your disgusting big toe arrives first at all locations

why the metaphor of a heart is false and tired and true and eternal

how fluid the round mystery on which we stand

the joy of toxicology: how a pinpoint of poison can black-hole a mind

why a red star is the escape wheel of a watch  


how Michelangelo trued David’s beauty with cunning

how trillions of tumbles solved for us

consolations: math and music and color will everlast

why nature located teeth behind our lips

the jealousy of aspiring poets: the next clean energy?


reassured by assurances of armageddon 

why our senses are so close to our brain

why hospitals ruin the fun of Jello 

why marginalia is the most humane incidental

how to capture joys by startling them into flight




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