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Consequences of the Honeysuckle Fence





Revel today in the child-bright forsythia 

the sudden immodesty of cherry blossoms

mannered lilacs and daffodils

all evanescing in bloom


announce more light in the very day

for which you, all winter

have yearned


hopscotch chalk in piebald shade

skipping school for skipping stones

the kiss of the ice cream spoon


you breeze-reverie through windows

open to swizzling flies

and your kin with easier ways


gather the lightness of the day

in a spirit more silly

than baby toes 


the honeysuckle fence in filigree

is the ampsersand of nature and desire


once you taste a tendril

you taste the drift and chance

the lift and dance of the eternal return


you answer the high calling of serendipity

and climb to the light and green of romance






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